Because it's the last day of July...
I feel it's still totally appropriate to share my 4th of July neighborhood parade photographs!
This is my oldest daughter, she will be starting PreK next month, OH MY GOODNESS!
This is my sassy & silly baby girl. She's 1.5 years old, but can hang with the 3 & 4 year old girls like 'it ain't no thang'!
This is my middle child. She is made of pure sugar! She is the sweetest, most patient & tender hearted little girl I have ever met, I have no idea how I produced this!!!
This is our one of our sweet neighbor friends, and BFF's with my 3 year old. They may be soul sisters!
The snow cones were courtesy of our H.O.A., they were the perfect refreshing treat for a hot Oklahoma summer day.
Daddy pulled the 2 little one's in the wagon, I had photo duty, so I got to sit on the side lines & cheer on the kids.
This is the 4th annual parade we have participated in, & they have grown considerably each year. There were lots of decorated bikes, scooters, golf carts, wagons & Hot Wheels. There were prizes for the most creative, but I'm not really an overachiever...
And they are off! This is my oldest & her new partner in crime. They refer to themselves as Super Girl & Super Boy.
The kids really enjoy the parade. My oldest kept asking me if there was going to be a band! It's nice to live in a neighborhood that is more like a community.
Such a fun day!