Nellie & Phoeb's

Design, Food, Kids, Laughter, Love...

Buy It: A New Computer

All-In-One Portable PC/Tablet 

We made a trip to our local electronics store today in search of a new PC to replace our 5+ year old HP Pavilion laptop, that is as slow as mud. We were torn on whether we should go with a desktop, or get another laptop. Since I recently created a workstation desk area in my office (that now doubles as an office & a play room), I'm not really sure we need a laptop, & a bigger screen would be nice. But, there are the rare occasions that the portability of a laptop comes in handy. DECISIONS, DECISIONS! Talk about first world problems, this is definitely one of them...
After perusing through the computer department, & looking at both HP laptops & desk tops, I noticed a much better looking option, a row of All-In-One's. The HP struck my attention first, & I quickly realized these were much more our speed. (Why didn't the sales guy show me these first???) Not only do they have large, crisp, sleek screens, but they have TOUCHSCREENS & there is no bulky hard drive, it's built right into the screen. WHAT? These things are awesome, how do I know absolutely nothing about them!?
As we were leaving the department, we noticed an all-in-one on an end cap, that was ALSO portable & could function like a PC as well as a giant tablet. COOL!!!
Here is the little beauty:

This has won over our computer needing hearts!

Not only is it MORE portable than a laptop, but it has a touchscreen & can also be docked & used just like a regular PC. It is everything we were looking for, no compromising here!


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